Navigating Tourism’s New Frontier with Melyssa Reeves of One West

Episode Overview

Episode Topic

In this episode of the TravelPreneur Podcast, host Meghan McSwain welcomes Melyssa Reeves, the President and CEO of One West Tourism Alliance. Melyssa brings her extensive experience in the travel industry to the discussion, focusing on how the alliance fosters collaboration among its diverse members to enhance tourism across the Western United States. From her leadership in transitioning from DMA West to One West Tourism Alliance, Melyssa shares valuable insights into the strategic shifts and initiatives that have redefined the organization’s role in the industry. This conversation explores the evolving landscape of tourism, highlighting the importance of partnerships and innovative strategies that are shaping the future of travel in the region.

Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of how One West Tourism Alliance supports its members, including Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) and industry partners, in overcoming challenges unique to the Western U.S. Melyssa discusses the association’s efforts to create a more inclusive and collaborative environment, ensuring that all stakeholders have a voice and contribute to the region’s success. This episode is essential for anyone interested in the dynamics of the travel industry, particularly in the Western United States.

Lessons You’ll Learn

In this episode, you’ll learn valuable lessons on how strategic collaboration can significantly enhance the travel and tourism industry. Melyssa Reeves shares how One West Tourism Alliance has successfully brought together DMOs and industry partners to create a more unified and effective approach to tourism in the Western United States. Listeners will discover the importance of creating an “association of the industry for the industry,” where all members feel included and empowered to contribute to collective success. Melyssa emphasizes the critical role that partnerships play in driving innovation and addressing regional challenges, such as natural disasters and the unhoused population, that impact the tourism sector.

Additionally, Melyssa offers insights into the importance of peer-to-peer learning and the benefits of networking within the industry. Aspiring leaders in travel and tourism will find her advice on the value of getting involved in associations, continuing education, and building strong relationships invaluable for career growth. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the industry, this episode provides practical takeaways for navigating the complex landscape of tourism in the Western U.S.

About Our Guest

Melyssa Reeves is a recognized leader in the travel and tourism industry, currently serving as the President and CEO of One West Tourism Alliance. With a career spanning over two decades, Melyssa has been instrumental in shaping the strategic direction of tourism in the Western United States. Before leading One West, she spent 16 years as a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) leader, where she honed her expertise in advocacy, strategic partnerships, and industry leadership. Melyssa’s passion for the travel industry is evident in her commitment to fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders, ensuring that the voices of both DMOs and industry partners are heard and valued.

Melyssa has also served on the boards of several prominent industry organizations, including the California Travel Association and Destinations International. Her leadership in these roles has helped to protect critical funding mechanisms and advocate for the needs of small DMOs across the state and beyond. Melyssa’s vision for the future of tourism is one of inclusivity, collaboration, and innovation, making her a key figure in driving the industry forward in the Western U.S.

Topics Covered

This episode covers a range of topics crucial to understanding the current and future landscape of the travel and tourism industry in the Western United States. Melyssa Reeves discusses the strategic transition from DMA West to One West Tourism Alliance, highlighting the impact of this shift on the organization’s initiatives and goals. Listeners will learn about the importance of fostering collaboration between DMOs and industry partners, and how this approach is helping to address regional challenges, such as natural disasters and homelessness, that affect tourism.

The conversation also delves into Melyssa’s experiences on the boards of the California Travel Association and Destinations International, providing insights into the advocacy efforts that have protected critical funding for DMOs in California. Additionally, Melyssa shares her thoughts on emerging trends in the industry, such as peer-to-peer learning and the increasing importance of education and networking for travel professionals. This episode offers a comprehensive look at the strategies and innovations shaping tourism in the Western U.S. and provides valuable advice for aspiring leaders in the field.

Our Guest:Melyssa Reeves is the President and CEO of One West Tourism Alliance

Melyssa Reeves is a visionary leader and a driving force in the travel and tourism industry, currently serving as the President and CEO of One West Tourism Alliance. With a career that spans over two decades, Melyssa has developed a deep understanding of the complexities and opportunities within the tourism sector. Her journey began in Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), where she spent 16 years leading marketing efforts and advocating for regional tourism. During her time as a DMO leader, Melyssa became known for her strategic thinking, collaborative spirit, and ability to navigate the challenges of promoting diverse destinations. Her experience in this role laid the foundation for her leadership at One West Tourism Alliance, where she has been instrumental in reimagining the organization’s approach to tourism in the Western United States.

As the President and CEO of One West Tourism Alliance, Melyssa has led the transformation of the organization from its former identity as DMA West into a more inclusive and collaborative entity that serves a broader spectrum of industry stakeholders. Under her leadership, One West has expanded its membership to include not only DMOs but also key industry partners, fostering a more integrated approach to tourism development. Melyssa’s vision for the organization is to create an “association of the industry for the industry,” where all members have a voice and the opportunity to contribute to collective success. This strategic shift has not only strengthened the alliance but also positioned it as a leader in addressing the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the tourism sector in the Western U.S.

Beyond her role at One West, Melyssa has been a prominent advocate for the travel industry through her involvement with several key industry organizations. She has served on the boards of the California Travel Association and Destinations International, where she played a critical role in protecting funding mechanisms essential to the operations of DMOs across California. Her advocacy work has helped safeguard the economic viability of these organizations, ensuring they can continue to promote their regions effectively. Melyssa’s commitment to the industry is also reflected in her passion for education and professional development, which she views as essential to the growth and success of tourism professionals. Her leadership, vision, and dedication to the travel industry make her a pivotal figure in shaping the future of tourism in the Western United States.

Episode Transcript

 Meghan McSwain: Welcome back to travel Preneur the podcast where we explore the future of travel with those shaping it. I’m your host, Meghan McSwain. Today we’re joined by a distinguished leader in the travel industry, Melyssa Reeves, president and CEO of One West Tourism Alliance and a board member of the California Travel Association. Today, we’ll delve into the advancements and collaborations that define the travel sector in the Western US. Welcome to the show, Melyssa .

Melyssa Reeves: Thank you so much. I appreciate the opportunity to chat with you today.

 Meghan McSwain: Melyssa can you explain how One West Tourism Alliance fosters collaboration among its diverse members to enhance tourism in the Western United States?

Melyssa Reeves: Absolutely. So there’s actually been quite an evolution of the association over the last just couple of months. But, you know, most recently, I think bringing in our partners as members to our association has been a huge change for us. It’s really been an association led by Dmos and all of our members were DMO members. And now we’ve brought our partners in, which I think, again, just fosters collaboration, and it really makes all of us better, I think in the industry.

 Meghan McSwain: And in what ways has the transition from DMA West to One West travel, Tourism and Alliance impacted your strategy and initiatives?

Melyssa Reeves: So I think taking a step back just a little bit, the association actually has been around. It was originally founded almost 100 years ago, but it’s been managed kind of in its most recent form for about 40 years. And that was all under a management company. So we had a management firm that handled all the day to day operations. So November of last year we decided that we would separate from the management company and lead lead our own association and kind of take it over ourselves. So that’s kind of changed the makeup and what the association looks like. But one of the things when I was hired, one of the things that was most important to me is that we do create an association of the industry for the industry. So again, not just being demos, but bringing in our partners who quite frankly, have supported us as nonmembers for years. But we wanted to bring them in to really foster that collaboration. You know, we knew that our DMO leaders didn’t succeed without our partners and vice versa. So that’s kind of been the biggest change. We’ve got lots of changes to come. We are definitely in a bit of a transition phase, but I think it’s exciting as well.

 Meghan McSwain: Can you share an example, a successful example of how this collaborative approach has significantly benefited a member or the region?

Melyssa Reeves: You know, again, I think just having those partners as members, I think that they feel now like they are part of the association, they’re not outside of this group. And I think that, you know, just the access and the opportunity for our DMO leaders and our partners to work more collaboratively to, you know, be in the same space at one of our smits and get to know each other better. You know, there’s not this exclusionary thing anymore that I think we kind of did for a while. And so, again, I think it’s beneficial on both the DMO side and on the partner side. And, you know, so far the feedback from our partners has been pretty great. So we think we’re headed in the right direction. As a board.

 Meghan McSwain: Member of the California Travel Association, how do you approach your role in advocating for the travel and tourism industry at the state level?

Melyssa Reeves: So I actually have rolled off the board of Cal Travel. I was a part of that board for a number of years, but with some changes and relocations in my life, I’m no longer on that board. I do still sit on the destination’s international board for another three weeks. But, you know, I think any way that I personally can get involved in the industry advocate for I was a DMO leader for at my last DMO for 16 years. So, you know, I I’ve kind of been on that side as well. And now getting to advocate a little for the greater industry, it’s definitely changed my world and what I do day to day. But my passion for the industry hopefully shines through. And you know, I in a new, unique position to better advocate for our members in the West, kind of on a national level with with Dei. And I did for a number of years, you know, on behalf of small Dmos with Cal Travel and some of my other industry participation.

 Meghan McSwain: Just from your wealth of experience, can you discuss a key challenge the California travel sector faces today and the strategies that Cal Travel employees may, you know, use to address it?

Melyssa Reeves: Not sure I know how to answer that because again, I’m not really working just in the California know, I guess for the West in general. You know, it’s seeing it from this side and learning it. I’ve just kind of been in the role since November. So I’m kind of learning. We have our membership extends from the West Coast. So all the western states out through the Dakotas and down through Texas. So of course, with that vast of a region, we have almost half the country. So with that vast of a region, it’s the challenges are very diverse. You know, we’ve got California that deals with, you know, earthquake issues and fire issues. And I think everybody is dealing with the unhoused issues. you know, but I think I’m kind of really getting a grasp on the one west side of what are member Dmos are dealing with and how we can best support them with those challenges they may be facing in their state. It’s a learning process for me, I’ll tell you that. Just having again, I’ve been a California DMO my whole career, so having all these other states that I’m trying to learn is is a challenge, but exciting.

 Meghan McSwain: Can you share any during your time there? Can you share any initiatives that were introduced that had a noticeable impact and just throughout your career?

Melyssa Reeves: You know, I think just, you know, we advocated on behalf of the funding mechanism that most Californians, most California demos have in bids. There’s been over the course of the years, a number of different initiatives that have tried to change that funding model or eliminate it completely and through the advocacy work of Cal Travel. And then, you know, me being on the board and being a part of that advocacy, you know, we were able to stop those efforts and protect that funding mechanism, which is so important to California in particular.

 Meghan McSwain: And looking ahead, you know, what are the emerging trends that you’re kind of observing that you believe will shape the future of tourism in the Western US?

Melyssa Reeves: You know, I think seeing our demos again, they everybody’s challenges and what our demos are striving for is all a little different depending on their state. But we’re just seeing that. So, you know, so many are looking. So I’ll give you an example, a fun example. I think we just came back from Cheyenne, Wyoming, where we had our annual leadership smit. And I think something that’s unique about our association and something that I think will help bring the industry and our leaders along, is this opportunity for peer to peer learning. And they all sat around a large table and shared, you know, some of the challenges that they’re facing, from state to state and from DMO to DMO. And they stepped up to support each other. And so I think that’s very unique with this group. You know, again, the challenges are pretty vast. And where we see the industry may be different a little bit vary and varies a little from state to state. But I think the one benefit that we have with our group is that they are all exceptionally supportive, although they are sometimes competitors, you know, they’re all there to support each other. And they all, you know, helped with questions to some of those most challenging staffing kind of problems to, you know, legislative issues in their state. And I think that support is going to help bring the entire industry up in the West.

 Meghan McSwain: For aspiring leaders in the travel and tourism sector, what advice would you offer to effectively contribute to and grow within this industry?

Melyssa Reeves: Get involved however you can. You know, I think the relationships are key to being successful in this industry. I think it’s what we all love the most about this industry. And, you know, my greatest partnerships and greatest friendships have been built, and my best friends are my colleagues. You know, that work throughout the industry. So I think getting involved any way that you can step up and, you know, get involved in associations, sit on boards that you can get involved in your local city government. However, you can know what’s happening in your communities. And then education, whatever it is, get as much education as you can. You know, Dei has a couple of great programs with PDM and CME, which were CME was completely career changing for for me, and I wish I had done it earlier in my career. One West will have an accreditation program for newer leaders into the industry. And so, you know, I think again, that’s those relationships and education are probably really key to success.

 Meghan McSwain: And let our listeners know where they can connect with you and where they can learn more about this and get involved if they want to.

Melyssa Reeves: Absolutely. So they can find us on social or our website won West and same thing for our social pages. And again we host three smits a year. So there no matter where they’re from in the country, they’re more than welcome to come. You don’t have to be in the West to participate in our events. but we have a tech smit in the fall, I’m sorry, in the spring. And we have a leadership smit in the summer. And then in the fall, we have an education smit. So definitely they can attend any of our events. we’ve got webinars and other online educational opportunities that are available to everyone as well.

 Meghan McSwain: So there’s plenty of ways to get involved. Even if you’re not in person. You can go online and connect.

Melyssa Reeves: Absolutely.

 Meghan McSwain: Great. Well, thank you so much, Melyssa for sharing your insights and the impactful work you’re leading with One West Tourism Alliance. We appreciate you taking the time and kind of explaining this. And it’s just so important as we know moving forward, you know, into the future with travel. So thank you for that. Uh, to our listeners, thank you for tuning in. And be sure to follow and subscribe to the travel Preneur podcast for more discussions with the trailblazers. Trailblazers of travel. Until next time, keep exploring new horizons.